Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Merry Christmas!

I want to take a moment and wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

I've enjoyed all of your visits throughout the year.

I hope and pray that each of you finds progress within the New Year. May all of your dreams come true!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Writing Frustrations

What do you do when doubt creeps into your head?

You’ve got your story underway and suddenly the thought enters, “What am I doing? This is crap. No one’s going to want to read this!”

First of all, you have to figure out if it’s the evil voice or the logical voice speaking. But, how do you do that? Honestly, I’m not sure of the answer, but chances are it is the voice of the evil monkey that lives in your brain. The monkey doesn’t want you to succeed!

Take a step back from your work in progress. Work on something else, a poem, a short story, or even a shopping list. Take a walk, play with your pet, or enjoy a movie.

Chances are when you come back; everything will be fine once again.

As a writer, you can expect these mood swings. If you can learn to anticipate them, you may be able to jump over the rut before you get there. I haven’t actually accomplished this yet, but I have come to acknowledge that it is a routine that is happening. I get frustrated and depressed. I don’t feel like doing anything at all. But, once the cycle has run its course, I’m back to normal, except I’m upset at the hours I wasted in the meantime.

Knowing is half the battle, now it’s time to fight and win.

Do you go through these cycles? What do you do to fight back?

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Five People You Meet In Heaven by Mitch Albom

Released in 2003 in book form, and made to movie in 2004, The Five People You Meet In Heaven will make you start thinking. I'm sure most have read or watched this, but I'm still catching up with my life. (That's another story.)

Mitch Albom presents a story of a man who upon death arrives in heaven to be greeted by five people who share with him how he affected them and explain what his life was really about.

It's a wonderful story and worth reading.

As I read, my mind scurried to pick out the five people who I would meet. In my list, there were some surprises as I thought of who had affected me most in my life so far.

Then I thought, that's not actually the point. The five people are ones you have affected. My mind raced and I realized that I'm not sure who I have affected in this lifetime. I hope I've left an impression upon a few people out there, and would be excited to meet with them on the day I arrive in heaven.

Although fiction, this book has touched my heart and made me realize more clearly that life is about the people we touch and the people who touch us. We are all connected to each other and we should make each encounter mean something.

Stop rushing through life and enjoy it to the fullest.

Have you read this book or watched this movie? How were you affected?

Monday, November 22, 2010

Time Management

When life gets in the way, what do you do?

First, let's be honest with ourselves. Is it Life that's in your way or are you in your own way?

Time management is the solution for writers who want to write.

I'll be the first to admit that this is not an easy task. We've put everything before ourselves for most of our lives, but it's time to step up to the plate and take what is ours.

I'm not saying neglect your family or your obligations. Writers must squeeze every moment of every day to move forward in the writing world.

Sure some are able to spend eight hours per day writing, but for the most part, we have to grab spare minutes when we can.

Take a week and keep a schedule of what you do and where you could squeeze in some writing. Large blocks are best but we can't all have that luxury.

How many hours did you sit in front of the television this week? What did you do while you waited at the doctor's office? How many minutes did you spend checking emails/surfing the web?

If you are like me, you will find there were many opportunities throughout the week to write, but you just didn't.

Let me know what you discover.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Friends Forever - Short Story Accepted

My short story 'Friends Forever' has finally found a home.

Last week, I received my acceptance letter from Untied Shoelaces of the Mind. It will appear in their online magazine at the beginning of next year.

This will be my first paid publication and I'm excited to have this story claim that place. 'Friends Forever' was produced years ago and has received many rejections and has been reworked many times during this time. This story was also my first attempt to breaking into the publishing world. For it to have claimed that spot as my first stepping stone is a wonderful feeling.

Untied Shoelaces of the Mind has produced a wonderful online site filled with great stories by some wonderful authors. They are open to most genres and are a paying market. Visit their site for submission guidelines.

It is my understanding that they still need stories for the first issue of next year. What are you waiting on?

One other note about this publication: Response time is low. They have 4 editors and the story has to pass through each for acceptance. You are informed as the story goes through the process. From submission to acceptance, my wait time was 5 days.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Plotter or Pantster

Are you a plotter or pantster?

As a writer sets out on his journey of producing his first novel, he must decide rather he is 'by the seat of his pants' kind of writer or one that needs the story formed before ever beginning.

This dilemma has plagued me over the years and I'm still undecided. Instinct tells me that I lean more toward the panzer side of the scale but I have tried every plotting technique I've come across.

With short stories, I am definitely a panzer. I start with an idea and just start writing till I get to the end.

A novel, on the other hand, is a much larger piece of work. Some plotting is necessary at some point.

I began a novel last year during National Novel Writing Month and the result was a great story idea, a beginning, an end, and multiple scenes. I've struggled to pull these scenes into a logical ordered pattern. Plot techniques have helped a little. But with my final attempt to pull it together, my panzer way is winning out.

I've constructed a plot design into Word Excel and arranged some of the scenes where they need to go and left the rest open. Then I opened a new word document and pasted Chapter One into the document. From there I focused on my first plot point and how to get there.

I'm still in the process of pulling scenes, writing transitions, and filling in holes to reach that first plot point, but I feel I'm on the right track now.

Are you a Plotter or Panzer? Share your experience of finding your way.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Muse Online Writers Conference

I'd like to take a moment to thank Lea Schizas for putting together another wonderful conference. This year's conference held many wonderful workshops, numerous pitch sessions, and a large crowd of great talented writers. I'd also like to thank each and every presenter who took a week out of their lives to give us the workshops and guide us through their lessons.

Registration is now open for the 2011 Muse Online Writers Conference.

Stop by, register for the forum, and find the thread 'I am attending the 2011 conference', fill out the poll and you are registered for next year's conference.

Hope to see you there!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

How important is your email address?

Over the weekend, I decided to take a look at some pointers on submitting short stories. I ran across two articles that put the focus on your email address.

The main point in the first article was your user name. I would think it would be common sense not to use for submitting work to a publisher. The article made me think that maybe it's not common sense. You want your user name to be professional not personal.

The second article had not occurred to me. Its focus was on which email account you used. It suggested not using free email like Hotmail and Yahoo. If your own domain is not available, it suggested using Gmail. Now I wonder does it really matter.

Will an editor turn down your work because of your email address? I'd love to hear your thoughts on this.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


I discovered with my last rejection, I am not proofreading and revising enough.

My rejection letter sent me to their blog, Shroud Publishing, with an explanation on why I received a form rejection.

A critique friend, A.R. Braun, then took the time to review the rejected story and was able to point out many red flags I had overlooked.

Aware of being guilty of this in the past, this story had been reread numerous times. It was not enough.

I recently wrote a post, Writing Is Rewriting. I end my suggestion of the editing process with a read through after correcting errors pointed out by critique partners. I'd like to extend that process here.

Once you've corrected those errors, reread numerous times, correct these errors, reread a few more times, repeat this until there are no more errors.

For an added caution, have a critique partner on hand for this final stage. Let them know this is the version you plan to submit and would like to know if they see any errors you've missed.

If they find any, correct and reread a few more times. At this point, you should be safe to submit. Be aware that with each correction, the text around it should be reviewed with a sharp eye. Repetition can creep in at this point.

I know this is easier said than done, but if you want to be published you have to put the work into the story to get the results.

Good luck in your writing adventures. (For you writers who have blogs, do yourself a favor and also proofread your posts. You never know who may visit.)

Monday, September 6, 2010

Critique Group Member Wanted

There is an opening in my critique group, Elysian Fields.

We reside at Authors By Design. The group is made up of multi-genre writers, both published and unpublished. We strive to help each other improve and succeed as writers. Our goals are to be successful published writers.

The posting max limit for the forum is 6000 words per week. Critiques of the posted work are expected in a timely manner. We do understand about life getting in the way. However, we all do the best we can to keep up with current activity.

To maintain activity, the group meets on most Thursdays at 7:30 Eastern Time. To qualify, you need to be available for at least 3 out of 4 chat sessions. At each meeting, a group member has the spot light and feedback is given on their work.

If interested, leave your name, genre, and contact information in the comments. You will need to provide a writing sample and the group will vote on your acceptance. If uncomfortable with leaving your information on the blog, send directly to cher438lynn @ hotmail dot com, Subject: Elysian Fields. I will then contact the administrator and we will go from there.

Have a great Labor Day!

Sunday, September 5, 2010


My short story, 'Friends Forever' has been rejected by Shroud. I received a form letter earlier this week.

Response time: less than two months.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Voices of Ire by Aubrie Dionne

The Voices of Ire is like stepping into a magical land. The land is ruled by Wishcasters, and is threatened by the Murk.

Young Azalin, struggling to hide her powers and fit in with her neighbors, proves to be a wonderful character.

When she is invited to the Eaglecrest Kingdom to participate in the trials, which will determine the positions of the new Wishcasters, she doesn't go with excitement. Accompanied by her best friend, she makes the journey, and discovers her new role in life.

The characters in this book are interesting and lovable. Aubrie created a world of magic that is easy to walk in to. This book is well written and would be a great read for young adults or adults.

To learn more about Aubrie and her writings visit: You may also find the interview I had with her earlier in the year interesting.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

F2K: Free Creative Writing Course

I recently participated in the F2K: Free Creative Writing Course.

The exercises were interesting and thought provoking. I came away from the course with a slightly new look at my own writing. I also met some talented writers in the course and hopefully gained at least one new critique partner.

Downside of the course: we began with numerous students, but by the end only a few were left.

I would recommend this course to new writers or experienced writers who would like a little brush up on their skills or some social time with other writers.

You won't come away from the course a master of writer, of course who is, but you will come away with a new perspective. I would say the best lesson of the whole course was the material given for Lesson 6. The thoughts on plot and theme gave me a new way of producing my writing.

There is the option to have one-on-one Mentor assistance, which costs 25 dollars. I did not take this route, but it may have made the experience more rewarding.

An optional course book is also available: P. June Diehl's The Magic and the Mundane. Again, I did not have this to go with the course.

If you'd like to attend the next scheduled course, which is in October, you may register at .

Step One: If you're not registered with F2K social yet, go to Login/Register for F2K Social. Fill out the simple registration form.

Step Two: You'll receive an email with an activation link. Click on the link (or copy and paste into your browser). You're activated.

Step Three: Once you're registered and logged in, a new menu appears. Go to F2K Course, select F2K CREATIVE WRITING COURSE 1010 and click the Register button. That's it!

Have you already taken this course? What did you think? Are there other courses you would recommend?

I would love to hear your comments and suggestions.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Writing is Rewriting

"Writing is Rewriting."

I tried to find who said these words, but it seems a number of writers are given credit for them. I always thought it was Hemingway but I couldn't find the exact quote.

It doesn't matter. The point is I've never totally understood this.

I've spent years writing, doing a little editing, letting others read and critique my story, edit some more, and then submit. I've only been published once. I now see that this is not enough.

I've never claimed writing to be an easy task, but my writing deserves more work on my part. I've been fiddling with a rewrite of a story that has been rejected more than once. I'm in the process of polishing it up now and it hit me like a cold shower. Each time I hit the delete button. Each time I add another sentence. This is a good story, but I had failed to mold it into a wonderful story. I now realize that the rewriting process is just as important as the creation.

Below you will find my thoughts on the writing and rewriting process.

The drafting process, which is different for every writer, is only the beginning. (You may write a brilliant story, but it needs to be edited to death before you have a chance of getting published.)

The first step after creating your story in the first draft is to step away. Work on something else. Do Not edit the next day. You need to have distance between you and the writing. Do Not let other people read this first draft. Their efforts will be pointless. At this stage, there is still so much more to do. (Some writers can achieve distance from their writing quicker than others. The time allowed will be a personal preference.)

Once you've gained distance from your story, the next step is revisions. Revising is about looking at the big picture. (Adding, Rearranging, Removing, Replacing) Read through your story, taking notes as you go. Look for inconsistencies, scenes that aren't needed, characters that should be slashed or added. Is there enough tension? Is the pacing the way you want? Using your notes, rewrite. If needed, step away, and repeat the above procedures.

The next step is editing. Look for misused words, overused words and phrases, unneeded words. Every writer has at least one word that appears over and over again. Find that word and replace it in as many occurrences as possible. Check for misspelled words. Change passive verbs to active verbs. Check punctuation. Gage the pacing of your story. Are your sentences lengths varied?

Reading your work out loud can also help find mistakes. If you do corrections on computer, try printing out a copy and editing. Some writers find errors easier to see this way.

When you feel the writing is at its best, then it's time to let someone else read it. You will most likely find that fresh eyes will notice things you've overlooked, even after all of this editing. Take the advice given in the critiques or leave it. Not all advice is good, so you will need to weed through it.

Go through and correct what is needed.

Is it time to send it off to a publication? NO. Let it sit for at least a day. Reread it. Correct anything thing that catches your eye.

Now, it's time to submit.

Feel free to share your thoughts on this process, or let us know your techniques for molding a great story.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

2010 Muse Online Writers Conference

Registration Deadline is Tomorrow!

You must register for the conference by tomorrow or there will be a five dollar late charge.

Official deadline for registration is September 10th.

The conference runs from October 11th to 17th.

It's a full week of fun, learning, and socializing. Come join in the 2010 Muse Online Writers Conference. You won't be sorry.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Critique Partners

Many writers will tell you that one of the most important aspects of becoming a talented writer is find a good critique partner. I would have to agree.

When I began toward my goal of becoming a professional writer, I became involved in a forum abundant with creative talent. With their help, I became a better writer. The forum closed and unfortunately so did the ties I had with the group. The closure was unexpected and there was no way to find a way to contact the critique partners I had come to rely upon, but the experience was great.

I have continued on and managed to become a member of another critique group and supplement that relationship with a great critique partner. With their help, I continue to grow as a writer.

You may be wondering, "How do I find a critique group?"

One way is online. There are many writing forums on the Internet and they are a great way to reach out to other writers. You may be lucky enough to find there are groups locally you can join for in person interaction. Or, you could always start your own group.

You will need to decide whether you want to find a group or an individual. One critique will give you one opinion of your writing, but will allow you less work when only having to give feedback to that one person. A group will give you multiple opinions but you will have to give feedback to multiple people. Give each a try and decide what best fits your time allotment and helps you the most.

Remember, you don't have to stick with your first choice of partner. You may find that you don't click with that particular group. Politely bow out and find one you do click with. It is important to find a group that helps you and does not hinder you. Accept criticism gracefully, but don't let someone beat you down. There are some writers out there that will strive to kill your spirit. Weed through them and find a healthy group to be a part of.

Do you have a critique group? How have they helped you along the way? Do you travel this journey alone? Is that working for you?

Friday, July 23, 2010

The Versatile Blogger Award

I have had the honor of being nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award, not by one wonderful writer, but by two.

Barbara and Joylene, Thank you so much for the recognition and I accept with great joy. I am thrilled that you both follow and find my blog entertaining.

Now for the tasks at hand: according to the rules, I'm required to:

1. Thank the person who loved me enough to bestow this gift.
2. Share seven things about myself.
3. Bestow this honor onto 10 newly discovered or followed bloggers – in no particular order – who are fantastic in some way.
4. Drop by and let my ten new friends know I admire them.

Thanks again to Barbara and Joylene.

1. I began writing fiction at an early age, mostly short stories and poetry. This desire produced from a great love of reading and the want to give back what I received from the authors I read - An escape.

2. I became interested in the tarot early in life. My first experience was with playing cards. You'd be surprised how accurate of a reading you can get from ordinary playing cards, but Tarot Cards bring much more insight and are easier to read.

3. I am a big fan of Prince and the Revolution, not the artist formally known as.

4. My favorite writers are Stephen King, John Saul, and Dean Koontz.

5. I completed one novel four years ago. This novel sits in a box waiting for attention. But, the writing of the novel brought about great changes in me and my life. It may never see the light of day but it will never leave my possession.

6. I love to watch action movies and comedies, especially if they star Bruce Willis.

7. I am a cat lover, but do not own a cat during this time in my life.

I see nothing in the rules that say these bloggers have to be writers, so a few tarot blogs will appear in my list. I bestow this award onto, in no particular order, the following bloggers:

1. Aubrie, Flutey Words... A writer/flutist's ramblings about words and music.

2. Lynnette Labelle, Chatterbox Chitchat A Writer's Outlook on the Craft of Writing, Getting Published, and the Big One...Life.

3. Christiane, Cosmic Faery's Journal of Wisdom and Wonder, Reflections and Musings on Tarot, Magick and Spirituality.

4. Douglas Gibb, Tarot Eon, A Tarot Blog - Tarot Tutorials, Tips and Techniques.

5. Alyssa Ast, The Writer's Block

6. Kim Smith, Writing Space

7. Cherie Reich, Surrounded by Books, The life of an aspiring writer and library assistant.

8. L.M. Lawrence, When words come together to evoke emotion.

9. Tara McClendon, Eye Feathers.

10. Manda, 78 Whispers in my Ear, A(mostly)Tarot blog by a mother and writer drifting through the universe.

Thank you all for sharing your insights and journeys with us.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


I'm determined to get back in the swing of things. And slowly it is working out. If only there were more hours in the day, more could be accomplished.

I have a few short stories that I sent out last year that were rejected. I'm working on getting each of them reworked and back out there in hope of publication.

Earlier this week, I submitted my short story 'Forever Friends' to Shroud Magazine.

I am working on another short story, previously rejected, in hopes of completing in time to submit to Shroud's Halloween issue. Cross some fingers for me.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Taking the Week Off

I hate to do this in the middle of the Artist's Way, but it has to be done.

I'm working a lot of hours at my day job and I just started a writing course at the Writer's Village University.

I've tried for many years to get into the free course, F2K, and this year I finally made it. I've been told wonderful things about the courses at this site. I'll let you know of my experience. It is an eight week course and the talent 'so far' seems to be abundant.

I've also been trying to get a few of my rejected stories back out there in Editor Land. I should be posting submission updates soon. I'm even having trouble fitting this into my schedule.

The Artist's Way should be back next week, but I won't make any promises. It all depends on my work schedule, which changes from day to day.

Keep writing your daily pages. They are important and something you should continue even after you've completed your journey with the Artist's Way. Till next week, have a great week!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Word and Phrase Frequency

You've written your story and now it's time to edit.

One of the processes of editing is removing reoccurring words and phrases. But, how do you do this and do it right?

Some writers use programs to single out these occurrences. Others may do it by sight or by reading out loud. This is a process that one must develop as an individual writer.

I'm giving it a shot with a program called Textanz.

My first run shocked me. I couldn't believe that I had repeated phrases within the same paragraph. This was a real eye opener. It is human nature to repeat things, and it will show in your writing.

How do you edit Word and Phrase Frequency?

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Fantasy/Sci fi Blogger Award

This beautiful award has been presented to me by Aubrie. It is an award she created herself. The award is for those blogs who promote Fantasy and Science Fiction, whether it be through author interviews, reviews, your own writing, etc.

After receiving the award, you must state 5 of your favorite fantasy/science fiction books or movies that inspire you.

2)Harry Potter
3)Star Trek
4)Pirates of the Caribbean
5)The Matrix

Yes, all movies. I would have listed a few of Stephen King's book, but most seem to classify him as horror.

I haven't read much sci-fi or fantasy books although I have been exploring lately. I am currently reading one of Aubrie's books, The Voices of Ire. So far it is a real page turner. Lately I use books to fall asleep, but this one has been keeping me up at night. Thanks a lot Aubrie :)

Sunday, June 6, 2010

A Very Vampire May Giveaway - Deadline Extended

The contest I blogged about in May has been extended to June 7th at midnight.

A recap of my earlier post: This is an extreme giveaway. Top prize is a signed copy of Twilight, but that's not all. Among prizes are Bram Stoker's Dracula, Anne Rice: The Vampire Armand and more. Plus they are all signed!

Visit: for more information.

If you've already entered, there's a chance to get more entries in on the contest. Visit: for more information.

Good luck!


The winner of the copy of Aubrie Dionne's Winter Queen from the Seasons of Fantasy Series is ... drumroll ...

Lynn Andrade.

Lynn, this is a .pdf file. Let me know where you'd like me to email it. You may comment here with the information or email me at


Sunday, May 30, 2010

Interview with Aubrie Dionne

I'd like to present to you Aubrie Dionne, fiction writer.

Aubrie has been kind enough to donate a copy of her story Winter Queen from the Seasons of Fantasy Series. To qualify for this prize all you have to do is be a follower and make a comment. You have a week to do so. The winner will be picked in a random drawing and presented next Sunday, June 6th.

I have gotten to know Aubrie over the last few months. She's a great person and enjoys communicating with others. Don't be shy. I'm sure she'll be happy to answer any of your writing related questions.

When did you start writing?
I've been writing all my life. I started my first book in high school about a flutist that goes back in time and plays in a medieval court and falls in love with the prince. It was awful, and I'm glad I got that out of my system! I've been writing seriously (with the goal of getting an agent and getting published) for four or five years now.

Who has influenced you most in your writings?
The classics influenced me most in my writing. Especially the poem, "The Lady of Shalott" by Lord Tenneyson. I also loved Jane Eyre, and all the Jane Austen classics.

Also, I grew up watching Star Wars, Star Trek, Labyrinth, The Last Unicorn, all of those crazy 80's and 90's movies. They all have had a great influence on my writing, whether I like it or not!

What are your publications to date?

I have three books, one novella, five anthology stories, and numerous short stories. I'm so excited because after all of those years and all of that writing, my first print book just came out: The Voices of Ire. It's a young adult epic fantasy, and the first book I wrote when I considered writing seriously for publication. It's available in paperback on

You can read a full listing of my other works on my website:

Do you ever feel blocked? If so, what is your process of moving forward when feeling blocked?

I feel blocked almost every day! This happens when I'm not sure where to go next with the story or the characters. It helps me to take a walk, do the laundry, or do something to get away from it and let it stew in my head. When I come back, my vision clears.

What would you say to a beginning writer?

You have to keep writing everyday and find critique partners to read your work. Also, stay current on industry blogs and agent blogs. Read books on the craft of writing. My favorites are Donald Maass, The Fire in Fiction, and Stephen King, On Writing.

Would you like to tell us a little about the book you are currently working on?
I'm polishing up a novel about a woman stuck on a deep space transport vessel, destined for a paradise planet two hundred years away. It is set in a post-apocalyptic future where people must marry computer designed mates. Soon, I'm going to start querying agents!

BIO: Aubrie Dionne is an author and flutist in New England. Her writings have appeared in Mindflights, Niteblade, Silver Blade, Emerald Tales, Hazard Cat, Moon Drenched Fables, and Aurora Wolf. Her books are published by Lyrical Press, SynergEbooks, and Gypsy Shadow Publishing. Her epic fantasy, The Voices of Ire, is published in print by Wyvern Publications. Aubrie teaches flute at Plymouth State University and the Manchester Community Music School. Please visit her website:

Sunday, May 23, 2010

A Very Vampire May Giveaway

 This is an extreme giveaway. Top prize is a signed copy of Twilight, but that's not all. Among prizes are Bram Stoker's Dracula, Anne Rice: The Vampire Armand and more. Plus they are all signed!

Visit: for more information.

While you are there, gain me two additional entries by saying I sent you.

Finding Ideas

Every story begins with an idea.

Without ideas, there is nothing to create. So you may ask, where do you get ideas?

Ideas can be found everywhere. In the newspaper, magazine articles, in a picture (they are worth a thousand words right?), in your dreams, in a comment. The sources for ideas are endless.

Where do you get your ideas? It is a question that a writer encounters often. Curious minds want to know. I will share with you my most common practices for finding ideas.

Quick writes: Open a dictionary and randomly select three words. Begin writing focusing on these words.

Random sentence prompts: Open a book and let your finger fall upon a sentence. Start with this sentence and begin writing.

Daydreaming: Let your mind open up to possibilities. My latest short story idea was produced this way. I closed my eyes and saw a woman running, next thing I know she comes upon a body and sees the killer in the edge of the woods.

What if? Use newspapers or top news stories for this process. For example: two found dead in a half-burnt house. What if, neither of these people lived in this house?What if, the owner was gone on vacation? What if, one of the victims was someone who has been missing for ten years? You see how this goes. An idea is produced and all is needed is to dig the story from the remains.

So, I ask you, where do your ideas come from?

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Writer's Digest Contest

I knew Writer's Digest held contests but most I look into has a fee. I've found this and it looks to have no fees involved. I'm not sure if I'll have a chance to enter but here is the link for any who wish to.

Short Story - deadline May 10th.

First Line - deadline May 14th.

Good Luck!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

The frustrations of learning HOW to Write

Most writers begin writing by writing. You sit down, press pen to paper or fingers to keyboard, and create. One after another, you produce short stories, poems, and chapters to a future novel. It begins as a simple enjoyable task.

Then it happens, you decide you want to be published. You grab as many how to books as they can find, search the web for advice, and study on how to write.

You sit down to write again and suddenly it's a complicated task. They draw out character sheets, plot out novel chapters, and determine goals and conflict to include in the story. Then with pen to paper, nothing comes. Slowly a word appears on the paper, then a sentence, and then a paragraph. The words flow once again.

It's time to send the piece out and a few months later it comes back rejected. After a few times of this, it's back to the how to books. Something's missing from your writing. You are doing something wrong. You read and read trying to figure out what's missing.

You sit down to try again, but suddenly you don't know where to begin. You have over analyzed the process and confused yourself with everyone's advice. This book said to plan it out, this one said to know beginning and end, and this one wants you to know your character from head to toe. Oh, and this one said you have to figure out your own process of writing. Confused as you are, no wonder the words aren't flowing as they used to.

Now what?

A writer must separate the tasks of writing. The right side of the brain controls your creativity. The left side controls logical choices and structuring of your work. You simply can't use both at the same time. Well, some may be able to. You must separate the two to get anywhere as a writer.

You have learned from your reading, whether you realize it or not. Your logical brain has pulled information from both the fiction and the how to books and stored it away. You are trying to use this information during the creative process and that is why you are confused. It simply doesn't work that way.

This is of course easier said than done for the beginning writer. My advice is to try a few different methods and eventually you will discover your path. The main thing is to remember creativity and structuring are not done at the same time. You must decide which side of the brain should go first.

Outline - Write - Edit - Rewrite
Write - Outline - Edit - Rewrite

You may find that you work best by writing one chapter, edit, revise, and write the next chapter. You may need to complete the whole novel before looking at it with your logical brain. You may need to outline the entire novel before beginning the creative process. Think back to when you first began writing. How did you do it then? The way you began is most likely the same way you should do it now.

I began by just sitting down and writing. I didn't think of how the story would end, that came at the end. I didn't chart out my character's likes and dislikes. Of course, back then I didn't know about editing and structure either. But still, I've come to the conclusion that this is where I need to go, back to the beginning. I've never wrote a short story knowing where it was going. The story grows as it will. Why would a novel be any different?

How did you begin? Is it similar to how you write now? I'd especially like to hear from you plotters. Have you always planned out your writing, even in the beginning?

Stephen King writes from beginning to end with no outlines to guide him. I'm sure you wonder how this is possible, especially with the larger books he produces. My guess is that he does do as he suggests and possibly jots downs notes at the end of each writing session to keep himself on track. Then when he's done and wrote the end, he kicks on the left brain and begins structuring the book. This is only a theory, only King knows his true process.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Horns by Joe Hill

Stepping in his father's footsteps, Joe Hill is making a name for himself. In 2007, Heart-Shaped Box: A Novel hit the shelves. A paranormal thriller wrapped up in a nicely written piece set me seeking more from this young man.

Oh, I guess some of you may be wondering who this author's father is. Stephen King. Trust me the acorn did not fall far from the tree. Joe Hill pulls you into his stories, gives you great characters, and drags you with him to The End.

Horns is a story of a man who has lost it all. He wakes up one morning with horns, yes horns, growing from his head. The horns cause people to tell him things, awful things, about themselves. They also lead him to discover the villain who took his life and tore it to shreds. There's mystery, humor, a love story, and a murder all wrapped up in the pages of this book.

This author's writing reminds me of the young Stephen King. I have no doubt that Joe Hill will be a big hit in the future.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Help is not always helpful

A few years back I had a lady offer to be my writing coach and teach me how to write. (At no cost, well no money anyway.) It ended up costing me a couple years of my writing career. It is very important to think about the help you are receiving and rather it is helpful or not.

The lady had the best intentions. She just wasn't what I needed in a coach. The signs were there, but I was determined to become a better writer so I continued on my course with her. One day, I woke up and realized that I wasn't getting anywhere on the road I was taking. I thanked her and took a left at the next stop sign.

Have I made progress since? Yes. I may only have one short story published, but I enjoy writing what I write.

You may be wondering what the signs were that I missed.

The largest sign, bright red, was that she did not want me to write anything that she found offensive. I'm a horror writer, yet here I went down a narrow road, in hopes to learn to write.

Another sign was she felt that genre writing was not real writing. Yet, I continued on.

So here I was a horror writer, a genre writer, attempting to write literary work, which I've never read and to be honest did not care to write at all. Yet, I continued on.

Did I learn anything? I believe I came away with a little knowledge. At the end, I knew more about using description to set the scene. But, most of all, I learned if you don't enjoy writing what you write, then there's not much point in it.

My point is for you to be cautious of the help you accept and follow. Not all help is good help. And believe me bad help is not better than any help at all.

Thursday, April 15, 2010


My short story, 'Friends Forever' has been rejected by Shock Totem. I received a form letter at the beginning of this month for my February Submission.

If nothing else, they are true to their two month response time.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Rome Wasn't Built In A Day

And neither was the story of Star Wars, Harry Potter, or Spider man.

Valuable projects take time.

It is important to remember this when you begin a novel.

You may begin at a rapid pace, but you will reach the middle, and most likely your enthusiasm will dwindle.

You will feel discouraged and wonder why it is taking so long.

You may find that your story has made a left turn and is headed toward the dumpster.

Take a breath. The journey toward a finished novel is a long one. You will need patience. Don't toss it in the trash because you've hit a roadblock. Pause, refresh, and go at it again.

Remember 'Rome was not built in a day.' and neither will your novel be completed.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

War of the Words

Last year, my poem 'War of the Words' was accepted by A Long Story Short. It has been published in the April 2010 issue.

If you'd like to read 'War of the Words', go here. It is located near the bottom of the page.

I welcome any feedback you wish to share.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Home Sweet Home

Here is a photo of my new home.

Unfortunately, a few days of no internet service turned into a few weeks.

The day after we moved, we found out there would be a delay in service due to the issue of a necessary bury drop because the line had to go across the road.

The good news is this gave me plenty of time to get everything unpacked without worrying about internet business. Of course, I haven't wrote anything during this time either, which is not good news.

But we are all settled in and I'm geared up to move forward once again.

I hope you all had a wonderful Easter.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

New Home

I'm sure you've noticed the lack of posting this week. I recently bought a new home. I'm currently in the process of moving. This may continue for a few more days, but be assured I will be back posting regularly soon.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Famous Opening Lines

What makes an opening line become famous? Is it the words chosen? The rhythm produced? It's length? It seems strange that so much is put upon that first sentence of a piece of writing, but throughout history this has been the case.

Call me Ishmael.--Moby Dick (1851), Herman Melville

It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen.--1984 (Nineteen Eighty-Four) (1949), George Orwell

He was an old man who fished alone in a skiff in the Gulf Stream and he had gone eighty-four days now without taking a fish.--The Old Man and the Sea (1952), Ernest Hemingway

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.--A Tale of Two Cities (1859) Charles Dickens

From short, to long, these sentences are proclaimed to be some of the most famous first lines in our history.

A table, two metal chairs, and Anthony Tyner occupied the small musty room.--The Keeper(2010) Cher Green

It seems like a good opening line. What do you think, does it compare?

How do your first lines compare? Share some of your most admired first lines in history.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Rewriting your story

When I began writing, I had a tendency to recreate my stories rather than rewrite them. This resulted in multiple versions of my stories and confusion. I recently became aware that I am not alone, and this may be an issue that many new writers have.

Time and experience has pushed me passed this issue. I now rewrite the existing story and use any alternatives to create new stories.

For those of you experiencing this problem, my suggestion is to get a clear picture of your story line, write the story from beginning to end, and then edit. Your story line may change slightly as you write, or even majorly, but the point is once you get it complete, unless it is just not working, stick with your story line during editing and rewrites. If new ideas present themselves, take note and use them for your next story.

Share your experiences with this issue, and your solutions.

Thursday, March 4, 2010


In October, my story 'The Keeper' was accepted by A Long Story Short.

It has been published in the March 2010 issue; my first official fiction publication.

If you'd like to read 'The Keeper', go here.

I welcome any feedback you wish to share.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Can writing be learned?

This is a question that has been asked many times over the years. Here is my opinion on the subject.

We go to English class and learn how to spell, the correct structure of a sentence, and the different parts of a sentence. We learn the correct way to create a paragraph, an article, and a story. We enroll in workshops to help us improve our writing skills.

Can writing be learned? Yes.

A writer is a person with a unique perception on life. He thrives to create new worlds, educate others, and/or entertain an audience (even if that audience is himself). He enjoys the process of building words into sentences, sentences into paragraphs, and paragraphs into stories or articles.

Can you learn to be a writer? No.

Share your opinions on the subject.

Sunday, February 28, 2010


Referring back to the title of my blog, Footsteps of a Writer, the most important steps to becoming a published writer is the act of submitting your work to publications. I invite you to follow me on my journey and perhaps you will discover markets for your own work.

I have three pieces currently out, in hopes of publication.

On September 25, 2009, I sent my story 'The Sacrifice' to Story Station. Their average response time is one month, but on last correspondence the publication is behind on their reading.

On September 27, 2009, I sent my story 'Blood of my Blood' to Glassfire Magazine. They have closed for submissions until further notice, but are working through the submissions already received. Their normal response time is four months, but I'm still waiting for a response.

On February 16, 2010, I sent my story 'Friends Forever' to Shock Totem. Their average response time is two months.

All the above markets are paying, ranging from one cent to five cents per word.

Thursday, February 25, 2010


I recently read that you can identify a writer by his/her choices in paragraphing.

The choices - where to begin, where to end, and what to include within the paragraph - are said to follow a writer throughout his/her career.

I found this fascinating and was intriguing. I pulled out two books by two different authors and in deed there were distinct difference between the two.

Other aspects that can identify a writer are his choice of words and her sentence structure.

Each writer has a fingerprint left upon their works.

I'm sure this is old news to some. I've heard the comments on this made in the past, but never looked into it. I feel as if I've gained a little knowledge by becoming more aware of this aspect of writing.

Monday, February 22, 2010

The Truth Is ...

I made the comment that I would post the answer on Wednesday, but I don't see any need in making you all wait.

The Truth Is ...

I Hate Strawberries.

Aubrie, you are a good guesser.

I enjoyed reading all of your choices. This was almost as fun as actually receiving the reward itself.

Everyone, have a great Monday.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Best Liar Award

It is with great appreciation that I accept this award from a great individual. Lea Schizas is a wonderful lady who has committed her time more than once in helping aspiring writers along their path. The organizer of the Muse Online Writer's Conference, she is also an award-winning author and editor. If you wonder how you could possible get enough done to accomplish your dream, look in the direction of this lady. She has projects moving forward in all directions and still has time to lend to others. She makes the time!

On to the rules:
1: Thank the person who gave you the award and link to them.
2: Add the award to your blog
3: Tell six outrageous lies about yourself and One Truth.
4: Nominate six creative liars... I mean writers and post links to them.
5: Let your nominees know that they have been nominated.

Six Lies and One Truth

1. My great-grandmother was a Wicca goddess.
2. I am left-handed.
3. As a child, I dressed up as my favorite story characters and presented short plays to my family.
4. I hate strawberries.
5. I have 10 brothers and sisters.
6. I grew up in Florida.
7. I have a master's degree in literature.

Choose which one you think is the truth.

Okay, six writers.

1. Aubrie Dionne
2. Lynnette Labelle
3. Kalayna Price
4. A. R. Braun
5. Bethan Pierce
6. Katie Salidas

I'd like to pass this award on to these six writers.

Thanks again Lea for presenting me with this award. It is a great honor to be noticed by someone of such high standings in the writing field.

Don't forget to guess which comment is the truth.

Friday, February 19, 2010


I've been thinking a lot about E-books.

The process of creating and publishing seems easy enough.

You can find these e-books everywhere, both free and for a low cost.

The whole non-fiction and tarot adventure has gotten wheels turning in my head. There are so many topics out there that could be explored with a little research. Non-fiction is an interesting field.

Have any of you considered moving toward publishing your own eBook (fiction or nonfiction)? Have you already stepped in this direction?

I do plan to look further into this. I will keep you informed of my discoveries.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Submitting your short story

You've created, revised, and polished your short story until it shines. Now what?

I find that finding a market for my stories is the hardest part of the process.

There are many resources out there to use to find markets, such as: and And there are many publications, such as: and Writer's Market .

But, what do you do with these lists? How do you know where to send your story?

Decide the genre of your story. This is the step that puzzles me sometimes. There are some many choices and sub choices. Do the best you can and let the editor make the final decision. If you have a sci-fi thriller, target a market that takes both.

Research the market. You don't want to end up sending a romantic thriller to a magazine that specializes in sci-fi thrillers. Most magazines have sample writing on their website, others you may have to order a copy of the magazine. Don't waste your time or the editors. Do your research to verify that your story is right for the publication.

Follow the guidelines. It is important to read the publications guidelines very carefully and to follow them precisely. You don't want to give the editor any reason to reject your piece, especially something as simple as following the rules.

Address the editor by the right name. Publications change editors often. Make sure to address the right person when submitting. Respect can get you that much closer to publication.

Overall: Send your best work, find the right market, follow the rules, and be courteous.

What are you waiting on? Get that story uploaded to your email or off to the post office. The longer you wait, the longer it will take. Good luck!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Who is your greatest influence?

Who is your greatest influence? What author inspired you to take the road you follow?

Stephen King has made the biggest impact on my career choice. From his countless publications to his inspiring story of becoming a writer, he is a great inspiration for any aspiring writer.

Stephen King was born in Portland, Maine in 1947. He made his first professional short story sale in 1967 to Startling Mystery Stories. In the fall of 1973, he began teaching high school English classes. Writing in the evenings and on the weekends, he continued to produce short stories and to work on novels. In the spring of 1973, Doubleday & Co., accepted the novel Carrie for publication, providing him the means to leave teaching and write full-time. He has since published over 40 books and has become one of the world's most successful writers.

Who directed you down this road of fiction writing?

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

I hope everyone is enjoying this day with someone they love.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

An Idea Germ

Sounds kind of icky, right?

All stories begin with an idea germ. The question is - where do you find the germ? An idea germ grows in your imagination. Nurtured, it can grow into an amazing story.

To search your imagination for that germ, many processes can be taken. Brainstorming, free writing, and association are a few examples.

Brainstorming can come in many methods. One is to start with a single word and branch out from that word. This is also called mind mapping. Once you've completely exhausted your thoughts, an idea can form from the words.

Example: Nurse-needle-death-scrubs-doctor-blood-gunshot-victim-assailant.

An idea germ - A gunshot victim is admitted to the hospital, where the main character works. She discovers that the victim is her father, who left her mother before the main character was born. Determined to find his assailant, she visits the areas of his life and discovers more than she wants to know.

Okay, not great, but you get the idea.

Free writing starts with a blank paper and a free flow of your thoughts. A time can be set, or an amount of words set. You write fast and don't stop till you've reached your goal. Within the words, you will most likely find your germ.

Association deals with pulling from story titles, words from the dictionary, or even a movie idea. This process can stem into brainstorming and/or free writing.

Example: Free Willy: What would happen if the animal was not a whale, but an alien? Okay, E.T. has been done, but what if the alien was your little brother. The discovery of the younger boy's ability to explode things has interested the government and they take him away. Determined to get his brother back, he embarks on a journey of danger and discover.

Okay, well, that was more of a 'what if' process, but you get the idea.

That felt good. I've been so caught up with writing for the Examiner, that I haven't been exercising my creative muscles.

So, where do you find your idea germs?

Monday, February 8, 2010

Happy Award

One of the bloggers, who I passed this award to, chose to pass on it.

I'd like to pass the award onto another in his place. I had trouble narrowing the list down to two, but this blogger was in consideration.

Tara McClendon

Tara, enjoy your award!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Happy Award

I recently received the Happy Award the other day from Deb Markanton and would like to thank her.

Thank You, Deb!

When you receive this award you must list ten things that make you happy. And of course, pass it on to other deserving bloggers.

So, here's my list of things that make me Happy!

1. My significant other. After three years, he still supports me in my dream of becoming a published writer.
2. The purchase of our new home. We haven't moved yet, but it shouldn't be much longer.
3. Family and friends. Everyone needs support.
4. My critiquers. Everyone needs support, with a little criticism.
5. My followers. Without you, this blog wouldn't exist.
6. Blogging. I love reaching out to others through this blog and my tarot blog.
7. Writing. The best feeling in the world is creating something from nothing.
8. Living. Life is a precious privilege that some take for granted. Live it to the fullest.
9. A good book. Not just any book, the ones that grab you and won't let you go till you reach the last page. And then, you miss the characters when it's over.
10. Receiving this reward. It's always a joy to get recognition.

I'd like to pass this Happy Award on to a few bloggers, but I've narrowed it down to two.

1. Terry W. Ervin II (chooses to pass on this award)
2. Aubrie
Many deserve this reward, and many have received it. If you haven't, know that if you are followed, you are making others happy.

Friday, February 5, 2010

The Unicorn

When a dream is lost
And out of view,
Just think of the unbelievable
That may not believe in you.

They are as real
As you believe yourself,
But sometimes when not seen,
They're put away upon a shelf.

So take your dreams
And let them come into view,
For only the seen
Is believed to be true.

Copyright 1992
Anthology: The Best Poems of the '90s

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

A Match Made In Heaven

My morning starts
When I wake in your arms,
And my night begins
With all your loving charms.

My entire day revolves
Around the love we share.
The love we've found is very rare.

We cherish every moment
That we have to give.
Without the other,
Neither could live.

We've been given a gift
That will remain true.
It was made in heaven,
This match, me and you.

Copyright 1990
Anthology: Moments More To Go

Monday, February 1, 2010

Falling In Love

The trees sway,
As our love grows.
There's so much to say,
That only heaven knows.
It can't be compared,
To anything I've known,
For we have dared,
To fall in love.

Copyright 1998
Anthology: Promises to Keep volume XI

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Poetry Week

Throughout next week, I will be posting some poems of mine that have been previously published in anthologies. I hope you enjoy them.

I still dabble from time to time with poetry, but when I was younger it was my main outlet of expression. Poetry is a wonderful form of communication.

My favorite poet would be Emily Dickinson.

Do you have a favorite poet?

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Fiction or Non-Fiction

As writers, we struggle to fit our love into our life. We produce, submit, and shrug when yet another rejection arrives in our mail. "Maybe, next time," you say. We continue to create our fiction worlds and send them out for an editor's approval.

Is it worth it? Yes. If you don't believe me, ask my friend, Terry W. Ervin II, author of Flank Hawk. It may take you years to break through the publishing world, but think of the joy you'll experience when it happens.

Until then, is it wrong to dabble in the world of non-fiction? Are you selling out on your fiction dreams? Not really. While you're publishing, even non-fiction, you are putting your name out there for others to see. You could consider this a form of self-promotion, preparing the world for your fiction.

Is the non-fiction world easier to break into? I'd say yes, if you have the qualities of a good writer. There seems to be a bigger market for non-fiction pieces. I have not researched rather the quantity is higher than the market for fiction, but when it comes to fiction magazines, how many are you aware of? It just seems that the magazine industry publishes more non-fiction than it does fiction.

This is not to say to quit submitting your fiction. You can't get published unless you send it out. Also, the more you send out, the higher your chances will become. Don't gage your possibilities by how many other writers are sending work out. In this game, it's you against the opinion of an editor. The more he sees your name cross his desk, the more likely he'll give you that break if you write quality work.

One avenue of breaking into the world of writing is to publish articles with an online company. There are many out there willing to pay you for your written articles. The income is pennies per view, but think of the experience you could get from the writing and setting an actual deadline for finishing a piece.

A couple of these locations are eHow and the Examiner. These are only two out of a hundred or more. Research your possibilities and choose what best meets your abilities. Google 'writers wanted' and you will find a lot of possibilities.

Good luck in your ventures as a writer. Feel free to share opportunities you find. A writer is always looking for new outlets and opportunities.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Columbia Tarot Examiner

I've signed up as the new Columbia Tarot Examiner. So far, this seems like the real deal. I've already started making a few cents. :) They are currently hiring Examiners in multiple fields. If anyone is interested, take a look around the site. There's a spot that said 'write for us'. That will take you to the application form. Please, if you sign up, use me as a referral. I receive a little bonus for bringing other Examiners on board.

In other news, I'm offering a drawing for a free tarot reading on my tarot blog. You have to comment on the post today to be qualified. Winner will be announced tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

New Writer for Ehow

I started writing for Ehow today and wanted to share the news with you. I've added a link at the top of the page entitled, 'Articles'. I will keep the links updated there.

I'll keep you updated on how the process works and if I have any luck making any money. I'm not totally sure how it works, but I believe you get paid per views and per comments. So, if you have the time. Click on the link and leave a short comment.

I appreciate your support.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Interview with Terry W. Ervin II

Terry W. Ervin II, the author of Flank Hawk, was nice enough to allow me to interview him. I hope you enjoy this as much as I did.

What was the idea germ that developed into Flank Hawk? What was your first thought that led you toward this story?

The initial thought that sparked the novel occurred while I was driving home from work in my 1990 Ford Ranger (which has been retired and replaced with a 2007 Chevy Colorado). I was thinking about a few of the books I’d recently reread, Zelazny’s Guns of Avalon and Harry Turtledove’s World War: In the Balance. One of the main turning points in Guns of Avalon occurs when Prince Corwin finds a way to get gunpowder to function in the magical city of Amber. In the Balance is an alternate history SF novel about an alien invasion during the height of World War II. The disparity in technology between the invaders and humanity is a major element in the novel’s plotline. I began to ponder, what would happen if a dragon encountered a World War II aircraft? Okay, maybe one can see how the line of thought formed. From there I began to devise a world where such an encounter could take place.

Then, I created the people and creatures that would inhabit the world, how it came to be, and the long-running, multilayered power struggle that would come to influence events in the plot that I was devising. Finally Krish and Lilly, Roos and Road Toad emerged—the main characters in the novel.

Are there plans for more adventures of Krish? If so, when can the readers expect to be able to continue the journey?

Yes, there is a second First Civilization’s Legacy novel in the works. I have the basics of the plot--where the story will start and how it should end, and most of the major events along the way. Right now I am working out a few minor hitches with the creatures (wyverns, centaurs, and a type of lycanthrope—at least for my world). Although I have the files set up and ready to go, the actual writing, I suspect, will begin by the end of January.

Krish will be back, still serving as Grand Wizard Seelain’s bodyguard, and the Colonel of the West was correct—they’re gonna want that malevolent Blood-Sword back. You might be able to guess who’s asked to go and fetch it. As for the reason—well, that will have to wait to be learned when the next novel comes out, hopefully before 2010 ends.

Who would you say inspired you the most to become a writer?

Honestly, I don’t think there is anyone who inspired me to become a writer. Back, I think it was in 1998 or 1999, I figured I’d better get started on a promise I’d made to myself, to write a novel.

There are a couple folks who kind of blazed a trail for me. Bill Justice was a guy I met in college. He was far more outgoing and a chance taker than me. We were pretty close, even serving as best man in each other’s wedding. Cancer took him less than two years after he served as best man in my wedding. Another individual was a fellow English teacher, Darla Boram. Ever undaunted, in her own way she modeled for me when and where to take a chance and see what happens. She was one of my 'readers' and was working on a novel herself when a heart attack took her all too soon.

Writers who have influenced me the most would be Steven Brust, Stephen R. Donaldson, Michael Moorcock, Roger Zelazny, Elizabeth Boyer, Fred Saberhagen and C. Dean Andersson.

Now a really cool thing is that C. Dean Andersson blurbed my novel, Flank Hawk. On the advice of a fellow writer (Sandra Kring) I contacted as many of my favorite fantasy authors as I could (not as easy as it immediately sounds), and asked them if they’d be willing to read an ARC (advanced review copy) of Flank Hawk and provide a blurb if they liked it enough. Most replied, and most of them, usually through their agent, indicated they were quite busy and simply didn’t have the time. Obviously, C. Dean Andersson wasn’t one of them. If readers are interested, he briefly discusses it in a review for Flank Hawk on

I could go into the way each author influenced my writing, but that’d take quite a bit of space. Anyone wanting to know the details can contact me and I’d be most happy to share the information.

Is there an inspirational quote that you tend to call upon during times of doubt?

No, not really.

But I will give you a quote, part of a song from The Wounded Land, by Stephen R. Donaldson. Bear with me, because it ties into my answer for your last question. They’re words, like a poem, that I actually remember:

“Oh, Andelain! forgive! For I am doomed to fail this war.
I cannot bear to see you die—and live,
Foredoomed to bitterness and all the gray Despiser’s lore.
But while I can I heed the call
Of green and tree; and for their worth,
I hold the glaive of Law against the Earth.” –Caer-Caverall, the Forestal of Andelain

Is there anything you'd like to say to aspiring writers out there?

What I’d like to say is: While the road to completing a novel-length manuscript is long—months often stretching into years of writing and research and editing and revising—even before the submission process begins. And while the odds of finding success (publication) at the end of that road are long, maybe even seeming impossible, you need to persevere. For, if you do not complete a project and submit it, you absolutely cannot succeed. And while that first project is out on submission, begin the writing process again, learning from the first effort and improving both storytelling ability and the skill at putting it to paper.

Think on that while re-reading the section of Caer-Caverall’s song above. One of the themes prominent in Donaldson’s Chronicles of Thomas Covenant series is to resist despair. Hopefully, the parallel is apparent.

Terry W. Ervin II is an English teacher who enjoys writing Science Fiction and Fantasy. He is an editor for the speculative fiction magazine MindFlights and a guest contributor to Fiction Factor, an ezine for writers. His short fiction has appeared in a number of places including Futures Mystery Anthology Magazine, The Sword Review, and Fear and Trembling. Gryphonwood Press released his debut novel FLANK HAWK in October 2009.

To contact Terry or learn more about his writing endeavors visit his website at:
Purchase your copy of Flank Hawk at: Amazon

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Flank Hawk by Terry W. Ervin II

Flank Hawk will sweep you away and take you to a magical world.

Terry W. Ervin II did a brilliant job writing this debut novel. There's never a dull moment as we follow Krish, a farmhand turned mercenary, as he forges through battles. Dragons, zombies, giants, and wizards color the pages of this science fiction, fantasy novel.

Thriving as a strong individual, Krish encounters new friends, and loses honorable allies. Krish's journey is not one you want to miss.

Pick up your copy today at:

Also available in Kindle.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Tarot Blog

When I first began this blog, my intentions were to include posts on the tarot. Realizing that the audience may not enjoy such topic, I refrained from adding this to my contents.

The tarot is an interest of mine, so I've started a second blog for anyone who is interested in this subject matter. I am also offering tarot readings on the blog.

If you are curious, stop by for a visit. Know someone else who enjoys the tarot, send them my way.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Act Three - Sequence Seven and Eight

Act Three- Chase, confrontation, and resolution.

Sequence Seven - Getting to the location of the battle - a plan, assembly of team, tools, training, and rehearsal. A ticking clock, race to save the victim, stop a loved one from leaving.

Sequence Eight - The fight - resolution - reintroduce the main character, who now has what she needs.

Harry Potter

Act Three - Sequence Seven (in this case eight)

The sequence opens at night with the kids sneaking out of Griffindore. The three use the cloak to sneak up to the third floor and into the forbidden room. The kids must pass many tests. Harry succeeds at the last test and moves toward their goal.

Act Three - Sequence Eight (in this case nine)

In the next chamber, Harry discovers his true opponent. Harry discovers that the stone has somehow gotten into his pants pocket and runs for it. Voldemort, a worthy opponent, tries to entice Harry to join him with the promise of bringing back his parents. Harry refuses. Voldemort loses his access to Quirrell's body and flies out of the chamber. Harry collapses.

Harry wakes up in the school infirmary. Harry learns that his win was the result of his mother's sacrifice to save him. The three kids are reunited.

The Finale is the Great Hall scene, the closing ceremonies of the school. Then we move to the kids boarding the train to go back to the ordinary world.

I hope you've enjoyed this little walk through the three acts and brought something helpful away from it. Feel free to share your thoughts.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Act Two - Part Two - Sequence Five and Six

First, I will say don't be confused by the sequence numbers. With Harry Potter, we have an extra sequence, so it does through the numbers off.

In Act Two, Part Two, the character continues to try to reach his/her goal. Again, each sequence will represent an attempt and an outcome. The climax of Part Two should give yet another glimpse of the central question. At this point the story should shift directions and prepare the reader for the major climax of the story.

Back to Harry and his adventures:

Act Two - Sequence Five (in this case Sequence Six) - This sequence begins in the Great Hall with talk of the coming Quiddich match and Harry's distrust of Snape. Harry receives a gift from one of his mentors.

We then shift to an action scene of the match. Near the end of the match, Harry's broom goes crazy and Hermione suspects Snape as being the attacker. She uses her magic to attack Snape and Harry's broom returns to normal. Harry wins the match.

The kids learn more about the three-headed dog from Hagrid.

Act Two - Sequence Six (in this case Sequence Seven) - A shot of snow flying, shifts the story to a new passage of time. The boys stay at Hogwarts for Christmas and Hermione leaves them in charge of getting into the restricted section the library.

Christmas morning, Harry receives the cloak of invisibility which gives him access to the restricted section, where he finds a book on Nicholas Flammel, becomes scared, and is chased by Fitch and his cat. Deception is spawned from his witnessing a fight between Snape and Quirrell.

Harry finds the mirror of desire and sees his parents. Extremely attracted by the sight, we seem him back at the mirror in the next scene and the Mirror is explained by Dumbledore.

Another passage of time brings the three kids back together to learn more of Nicholas Flammel and the Sorcerer's Stone.

At Hagrid's we learn of the baby dragon and the three plus Draco get in trouble for leaving the house. Detention is to be held at Hagrid's hut. (Real big punishment right?) Hagrid takes them into the Dark Forest. Set of together, Harry and Draco, to search for the unicorn killer the two come into contact with Voldemort.

Back at Griffindore, Harry shares his fears.

Another time pass: End of the term exams. Hagrid's been given a dragon's egg and the kids are skeptical of the givers intentions. Dumbledore is gone from the school. The kids plan to guard the door to what they think will lead to the stone in the Head Master's absence.

This opens up for the Final plan and confrontation of Act Three.

I want to say, there is a much more detailed outline of this at: .

I had the passing thought that some may think I'm taking credit for someone else's hard work on outlining this movie. This is actually my attempt to better understand the process. Go to the link above, for Alexandra goes a lot deeper into the story and shows you the Red Herrings within the story and some of the different aspects of the story such as "The Attack on the Hero" and "Gifts from Mentor". Throughout the story, there are items foreshadowing on future acts and she does a great job at pointing some of them out.

Till next time, keep writing and share your thoughts.

Friday, January 1, 2010


Today is the first day to an amazing year. I hope everyone is prepared for its greatness.

2010 is going to be the year for new things and great opportunities.

What? You don't agree? I only have one thing to say to that. Life is what you make it.

Choose your goals wisely, work hard to achieve them, and you won't be disappointed.

Hope everyone has a great day!
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