Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Voices of Fiction - Who's Your Favorite Character - Part Three

Welcome to another edition of Voices of Fiction.

We have another great group of writers here to discuss their favorite characters.

Please welcome our guests.

Terry W. Ervin II is an English and Science teacher who enjoys writing. He’s an editor for the speculative fiction magazine MindFlights and his short stories have appeared in over a dozen anthologies, magazines and ezines. The genres range from science fiction and fantasy to horror and inspirational.
In 2009 Gryphonwood Press published Terry’s debut fantasy novel FLANK HAWK, and released BLOOD SWORD in 2011. He is busy working on the third novel in the First Civilization’s Legacy series. Website, Blog

Pembroke Sinclair - I write fiction under the pen name Pembroke Sinclair, and I have had several short stories published. My story, “Sohei,” was named one of the Best Stories of 2008 by The Cynic Online Magazine. I have novellas and a short story collection forthcoming from Musa Publishing and eTreasures Publishing. I have two novels, Coming from Nowhere (adult, sci fi) and Life After the Undead (YA, horror), that are available from eTreasures Publishing, as well as Death to the Undead (YA, sequel to Life After the Undead), which is forthcoming. Under my real name, Jessica Robinson, from March 2008 to January 2011, I wrote scientific articles for Western Farmer-Stockman. I have a nonfiction book, Life Lessons from Slasher Films, scheduled for release in July 2012 from Scarecrow Publishing (an imprint of Rowan and Littlefield). Blog, Link, Link

Catrina Barton is a reader and writer of YA and Paranormal Romance, who enjoys being surrounded by the stark beauty of mother nature - whether it's a moon lit starry sky, or a picnic by a peaceful waterfall cascading from the mountain side. She is a proud member of Nano, RBRU, SheWrites and PNRWriters. She is an active participant at Critique Circle and several other crit groups. Blog, Facebook, Link

Carole Ann Moleti is a nurse-midwife in New York City, thus explaining her fascination with all things paranormal, urban fantasy, and space opera. Her newest fiction is featured in Haunted: Ten Tales of Ghosts and Bites: Ten Tales of Vampires.Website, Blog, Twitter

Cherie Reich is a writer, freelance editor, book blogger, and library assistant living in Virginia. She is a member of Valley Writers and the Virginia Writers Club. Links – Website, Blog, Facebook

Welcome Authors! It’s wonderful to have you back for another round.

Now the question is: Who’s your favorite character? (can be yours or someone else’s)

Terry W. Ervin: This one probably isn’t going to be on anyone else’s list, but I would say mine is Vain from Stephen R. Donaldson’s The White Gold Wielder. Vain is a Demondim-spawn, bred by the ur-viles. The creature’s purpose is to ensure that chaos (or corruption) is wiped from the Land, and, in the end, Vain forms one half of the newly created Staff of Law. Vain doesn’t say much, or really participate in the plot except during several pivotal scenes. When he does speak and act, the reader knows it’s important. I often enjoy secondary characters more than primary ones. As a side note, based on enjoyment of Donaldson’s Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever, my wedding band is made of white gold.

Pembroke Sinclair: For mine, I would have to say my favorite character is Rain. She's a demon from a short story of mine called "The Soul Collector."

Catrina Barton: All of my characters hold a special place in my heart. If it has to be a character I didn't create then I'd say it's a toss-up between Bankotsu from Inuyasha {there is just something about a fun loving mercenary that grabs me} and Damon from The Vampire Diaries. He's so quirky and has the "awesome factor" going full swing. {As you can see I have a thing for the badboy archetypes.}

Carole Ann Moleti: I would have to say all the main characters in the Harry Potter books. They are so well-drawn and believable. The favorite characters in my own stories tends to be the ones I working with at the time. At this point, my horoscope and Tarot readings are nearly identical to those of the heroine in my novel in progress Boulevard of Bad Spells and Broken Dreams so I must be quite fond of her.

Cherie Reich: My favorite character is Apenth from my Phoenix trilogy. He's a god of prophecy and has fondly become my muse.

Thank you all for joining us today and sharing your favorite characters.

Readers feel free to ask questions concerning this topic in the comments. Also feel free to send questions to chergreen@chergreen.com Subject: Voices of Fiction Question, and have them answered by the participating authors in later editions.

There’s also room for more authors to participate. Drop me an email, Subject: Voices of Fiction.

(Disclaimer - Bios and answers have been posted as submitted by author) 


Terry W. Ervin II said...

Interesting variety of favorite characters listed, Cher. With so many good ones out there, I'm not surprised they there wasn't a match, and I suspect it may be that way with all of your blog's readers.

Thanks for inviting me to answer the question, and I'll end my comment with a favorite quote from Vain, the Deomondim-spawn: "It is not death. It is purpose. We will redeem the Earth from corruption."

Cherie Reich said...

Thank you for featuring us this week, Cher!

Cher Green said...

Terry, Thanks for stopping and sharing your favorite quote.

Cherie, You are very welcome. I'm enjoying the answers as much as the readers.

Anonymous said...

Some excellent answers. :) This little adventure of yours has turned up quite a few participants, huh Cher?

You're doing a great job! :)

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

The answer to this question was most interesting. Thanks everyone.

Cher Green said...

Kitty, quite an adventure, with wonderful authors. Couldn't do it without them. :)

Cher Green said...

Joylene, The wide variety of answers have been amazing.

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