The story follows two brothers and a wonderful crew of characters.
Due to a political conspiracy, an innocent man sits on death row and his only hope is his brother, who plan is to be sent to the same prison in order to break them both out from the inside out.
As with everything in life, I'm a little behind and only recently viewed this series, but I believe it came at the right time in my life. This series can be viewed on Netflix.
Okay, now what does this have to do with writing? Everything.
This series will show you how to create living, breathing characters. (These characters became a part of our household during the weeks of watching this show, even invaded my dreams.) The back stories are wonderfully wove into the story, and never bog it down. Cliffhangers anyone? This show is full of them and not just at the end of each show. At each turn, you think one thing, but it turns out to something completely different. Show, don't tell is a major pinpoint of this story. You have to figure out who's about to do what by their actions and movements, because honestly the characters don't even know what the other one's about to do.
I highly recommend watching this series for pure pleasure, but also as a learning adventure.
Warning: There is violence in this story, but what can you expect? The main characters are convicts.
Thank you for this review, Cher. You've helped me make up my mind. I saw it on Netflix and meant to ask someone.
Joylene, I really enjoyed it. But again, I warn, there is violence and shady characters. I'm sure some would not like this type of show. It grabbed me from the word go and never let go. Not many television shows do that for me. Hope you enjoy!
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