Friday, July 15, 2011

Plot Device!

Okay, so you are sitting around, searching the net for help with forming your plot. You come across an electronically device which will create your plots for you. Do you buy?

I found this video at It is hilarious. A must see! Hope you enjoy.

Plot Device from Red Giant on Vimeo.


Misha Gerrick said...

Hehehe no, I wouldn't buy something that pretends to create plots. Because it will mean one of two things: 1) The plot points won't be original, 2) I'll have to do all the work by myself in any case.

:-) Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

No, I wouldn't have bought anything like that, LOL.

Never push buttons on strange devices because you don't know what will happen or what you will get.

Anonymous said...

Misha, glad you enjoyed.

Susanne, so true!

Conda Douglas said...

Wow, Cher--I love this new world, it's strange and wonderful. Thanks for sharing this.

Anonymous said...

Conda, glad you enjoyed.

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