Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Screenwriting Tricks for Authors

Directed by a comment to my post on Dissecting A Novel, I found this blog. There's a wealth of information on the structure of the novel. There are even breakdowns of popular movies such as Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone and The Mist.

Author Alexandra Sokoloff has even been nice enough to supply a table of contents to her blog, making it easy to maneuver through her posts. At the moment, all the links are not there, but it still gives a general idea of which topics to look for to read the posts in order.

I'm deeply thankful for being told of this site and felt the need to share it with my followers.

Alexandra can be found at: http://thedarksalon.blogspot.com/2009/08/screenwriting-tricks-for-authors-table.html


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